
Posts Tagged ‘justice’

The endless middle east war!

August 28, 2009 6 comments

Read the above news that explains why July and Aug are the deadliest months for US in Afghanistan. The number of soldiers killed in these months?


WOW! 44 US soldiers in a month is considered DEADLY! The irony lies in the other news clipping that says, a bomb killed 40 in Afghanistan!

Funny how certain human lives are cheap while others are worth a lot more.

The article on the top of the page also explains why the war could be endless.

“An insurgency cannot be defeated by attrition; its supply of fighters, and even leadership, is effectively endless,” the new guidelines said. When U.S. and NATO troops battle a group of 10 militants and kill two of them, the relatives of the two dead insurgents will want revenge and will likely join the insurgency, the guidelines say, spelling out the formula: “10 minus 2 equals 20 (or more) rather than 8.”

It seems like after so many years of fighting, killing countless Afghans and almost reducing Afghanistan to wilderness, the US army has finally has gathered some real intelligence! How many more years will it take for them to know that there is a “Gandhian” way to resolve things too.

PS: I have respect for the soldiers who lay their lives for the country – this article is directed towards the people governing the country and those who are responsible for the war!

Where is the justice?

April 25, 2009 5 comments

I usually stay away from politics – Mostly because I feel discussing it is a waste of time. However, sometimes, it just cannot be ignored and certain events just have to be discussed, the primary reason being that these events are used time and again to play hate-politics.

Came across this wonderful eye-opening article that is a textbook example of how sensitive topics should be handled – factually.

I warn you that it is long, however, I strongly urge every self-respecting Indian to read it fully and after reading to spread awareness about this. After all what is the point in simply reading stuff just to kill time!

Riotous Reportage: Gujarat 2002
Sandhya Jain
18 April 2009

The author is Editor,
PS: Had posted the entire article here, but then it could be a copyright issue! So pls read the link instead!